The Wretched star John-Paul Howard Talks with Rival Magazine

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Written By: Kit Connelly

I’m super excited to talk to you today, I’ve actually just finished watching The Wretched, and I have to tell you, I’m a little obsessed! Before we get into your latest role, however, let’s start from the beginning.


You’ve spoken before about your first performance in theatre, but can you remember what made you decide that you wanted to be on stage in the first place?

Well, I'm really glad you enjoyed the film! Haha thank you so much, but going back to my "origin story," you could consider the start with my mother. My mother was formerly a hairdresser and worked at the local theatre doing hair and makeup. So, she would take me to see these plays, and even snuck me in the back to show me how it all worked. Sparked the interest in me, so she took me to the audition at the same theatre. 


What was your audition process like for this role? Was it something that sort of fell into your lap, or were you seeking out roles similar to Ben?

In all honesty, I lucked out with Ben. The audition was sent to me while I was living in New Mexico and working in film there. So, I worked on this self-tape with a friend for hours and in fact, I sent it in technically a day late I think, and we even recorded it on his old computer because it was all we had. I put in all this effort, but I was scared I wasn't even going to get the role because of the audio and visual of the self-tape!


Speaking of Ben, I’d like to talk a little bit about him. He’s a strong character, very brave for a kid his age. How would you describe him in your own words? Did you find that you were able to relate to him on any level?

Well, Ben is a character I feel like most teens can connect to in a sense that he has a difficult home life and has a complex moral guide. So, with Ben we see a bit of this selfishness that you're not supposed to like. He has a vague and mysterious past that we get glimpses into. Of course, there is a struggle involving family and the struggle to do what's right but that's a bit obvious. He is simply put, a teen struggling with himself and finding a sense of morality but is thrust into a situation that forces him to focus on the larger picture....children being eaten by a wretched creature. I think because of these delicate and subtle characteristics, anyone including myself can relate.


Looking back at your body of work, we see a lot of dramas, and a fair big of horror and sci-fi. Again, are these roles that were just meant to be, or do you find yourself attracted to these specific genres?

I really don't go out of my way to perform for these genres. I just enjoy performing, so if I play a robot fighting a vampire on a distant star after being hunted by Shakespeare himself, I'd do it. Of course, it's an absolute plus when the role fits perfectly for you, excluding any and all murderers. And I think that for the Wretched, it was a sense of a perfect fit and really meant to be.


Is there any chance you’d be interested in a sequel, if the Pierce Brothers gave you the call?

If the Pierce Brothers called and told me they wanted to film a feature about ANYTHING, I would jump to it. For a few reasons. One is that these guys are up and coming directors that have so much talent and passion that whatever they make would be amazing. Another is, just that at this point we're family! And I'm ready for a sequel myself!


What did you think of the cast and crew? Did you all get along well? Is there anyone in particular that you’re dying to work with again?

Easily enough, I loved everyone on set. I want to work with all of them again!! Cast and crew, they were all so talented, hard-working, and kind people.

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Normally I would be inclined to ask what future works are looking like for you, but this year has been a bit of a wild ride? Did you have anything lined up in 2020 that you haven’t been able to do? Is there still a plan to follow through on those future projects?

Right now, I'm focusing on family and bettering myself. No point in rushing into anything too quickly. I'm ready to work again, but also trying to remain patient. So, nothing yet but cross your fingers.


And on the topic of 2020, how have you been passing the time while we’ve been in quarantine?

Video games, reading, music, and in my town,  we have opened so I'm back working trying to regain the setback I got when the pandemic hit.


Do you have any last words of wisdom or encouragement for fans who may be having a hard time this year?

Just remember, you're not alone and we are all in this together. So, while it is hard, stay safe and strong for not only yourself but others too! 

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Thanks so much again for taking the time to speak with me! The Wretched was a fantastic film, and I’m really looking forward to seeing what you’re up to next!

And thank you SO much! I'm so glad you enjoyed the film and thank you for reaching out to me!!


You can check out more of John-Paul Howard in, films like Hell or Highwater, and in the series Midnight, Texas. 

You can follow him on Instagram