'Soft Target': A Defiant Anthem for Neurodivergent Women by Rosalie James

Rosalie James, a multi-instrumentalist and singer-songwriter from Cornwall, UK, presents her latest production, "Soft Target," a song that is as much a personal diary as it is a universal declaration of resilience. 

Rosalie James' background is as colorful as her music. She grew up immersed in the sounds of The Beatles and The Bangles, weeping over the impassioned drama of 80s synth-pop and obsessing over 90s dream pop lyrics and indie artists. Her music draws inspiration from a broad range of influences, appealing to fans of classic songwriters and progressive indie artists alike.

Her journey has been marked by sensory sensitivities and emotional challenges, leading to a late diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder. This revelation allowed her to live authentically and channel her experiences into her music. After a successful career in social work, Rosalie returned to her creative roots, using her music to raise awareness and reduce stigma around neurodiversity and mental health.

Her last song, “Soft Target,” stands out as a poignant tribute to the generations of women who, just like her, have navigated life’s complexities without the understanding of their neurodivergence. It’s a song for those women who have been misunderstood, labeled as ‘over-sensitive drama queens,’ and left feeling alone in their struggles with nothing but the sensation of being a lot.

Rosalie James confides, "This song is for the generations of women who weren't diagnosed as neurodivergent until adulthood because they just seemed A Lot. It's for the 'over-sensitive drama queens,' who attracted people who liked us a little crazy and vulnerable but had nothing to give us. I'm still awkward and difficult and scared of balloons. I lost a career and I'm full of chemicals. But I'm not alone. We're not alone."

 "Soft Target" is a blend of dream pop and indie rock, infused with elements of folk and Americana, creating a soundscape that is both comforting and invigorating. It comes accompanied by an engaging music video that captures the essence of liberation through self-discovery and support. It carries a feel-good sensation that will make you dance freely or at least put a smile on your face. The driving drums and distorted guitars are the musical pillars of the song, providing a robust foundation for Rosalie's soaring vocals. These elements combine to create a soundscape that is both immersive and emotive, inviting listeners to delve into the depths of their own experiences. Lyrically, it speaks about the complexities of relationships and self-perception. 

The music video for "Soft Target" is a metaphorical masterpiece. It depicts Rosalie trapped in a house, symbolizing the mind's complex inner workings. An explosion of chemicals represents the overwhelming sensations that can often feel inescapable. However, with the aid of friends and a newfound understanding of how to manage these 'chemicals,' she navigates her way through the chaos. The climax shows Rosalie opening the door to freedom; she is now a happy bee, finally finding its way out of confinement. It's a powerful representation of learning to cope with one's mind and the challenges it presents.

“Soft Target” is a song for any woman who has ever felt disconnected from the rest, impossible to fit in a world that tells them the way they should behave. More than a beautiful piece, “Soft Target” is also a light that guides many towards a future where everybody is recognized, embraced, and even celebrated for their unique essence. 

For more info on Rosalie James